The only thing I request you hold off on is requesting access to the Workshop itself, for the reason stated above. (One final note: Are you not a modder, but want to check out the beta patch? Feel free! Just follow the first bullet point above to get access. I'll be busy at E3 for the next few days, but the devs will be watching the thread for your comments. So there you have it! Check it out, get your mods in the database, and please let me know if you have any issues.
#How to get civ 6 patch on steam mod#
(note: please only request access to this if you are actually a mod developer! This is a manual process and it will slow down the more people request access, and I really want to let the modders get a chance to populate the database ) Once you accept that invite, you'll be able to see the Civilization V section in the Steam Workshop.
#How to get civ 6 patch on steam update#
We will send you a group invite via Steam. Where can I find the latest Patches, Updates and DLC Answer Steam will check for updates and automatically patch your game if one is found no more hunting around on the Internet for the latest update information You can also purchase official DLC (Downloadable Content) from within Steam. You can find your Steam ID in the upper-left of the Steam window when it is running. Please send an email to with the subject " Steam Workshop Beta" and in the body put your Steam ID.

As such, we would like to give you early access to the Workshop so you can make sure all of your awesome mods will be available the day we switch over. As you may have heard, Civilization V is coming to the Steam Workshop in the next patch (the one accompanying the release of the Gods & Kings expansion.) This new, more feature-rich mod database will replace the current one.